Learn How to Teach Emotional Intelligence: SIY Teacher Training starts in September! 

4-day work week

As a way to continue to bring our mission to life, SIY Global is piloting a 4-day work week schedule from October 2022 to March 2023. We are excited by the possibility of a 4-day week and believe this is an opportunity to continue to explore what the future of work will be!

Measuring Effectiveness

As with our programs, we are approaching this experiment with a scientific lens. With that in mind, we're partnering with 4-Day Week Global and Boston College to study the impact of a shortened work week. 

4-Day Week Global is a non-profit organization that funds research on the future of work and provides support to organizations interested in exploring the concept. Boston College will provide measurement and data analysis expertise on the effectiveness of the new schedule.

Metrics analyzed will include: productivity/revenue, retention, absenteeism, energy use, employee well-being, management experience, and employee journeys. We believe in the importance of robust evidence to evaluate the efficacy of this initiative and look forward to learning with our partners and from our own experience.

Day Week Global
Boston College

Why Follow a 4-Day Work Week?

Our motivations for undertaking this experiment are to:

Innovate and courageously lean into the future of work

  • Become curious and open about ways of working that are in alignment with our mission and based on mindfulness, one of our core principles. 
  • Use ourselves as a testing ground for potential ways to improve the world of work.
  • Collect robust data on the results of the pilot in collaboration with Boston College.


Improve our productivity, motivation, and sense of purpose 

  • Maintain or improve productivity and company growth metrics, including customer service experience, revenue, and innovation.
  • More spaciousness during the week allows for individuals to invest time in activities and projects that give them a sense of meaning, at work and beyond. 
  • Reduce wasted time in favor of streamlined, agile approaches to work.
  • Foster more creativity for employees.


Increase flexibility, inclusivity, and well-being for our team members

  • Attract and retain talent, especially people who need different schedules or ways of working given their unique personal needs. 
  • Allow for more enriching experiences for each individual.
  • Support the well-being of our employees to eliminate burnout. 
  • Explore new ways to embody our mission and values.


The 4-day work week is gaining popularity and acceptance, including by a number of governments. In many cases, employees maintained or even increased their productivity, even with fewer days in the work week. 

Some highlights from other trials:

  • Microsoft in Japan trialed a 4-day work week and found that productivity went up by 39 percent.
  • A 2018 study in New Zealand monitored by academics at The University of Auckland and Auckland University of Technology found that engagement levels rose between 30 and 40 percent, work-life balance metrics rose by 44 percent, empowerment by 26 percent, leadership by 28 percent, work stimulation by 27 percent, and organizational commitment by 29 percent. You can find additional data from this study here.
  • The UK kicked off the largest study on the 4-day work week ever at the beginning of June with over 70 companies and 3,000 employees participating. This expansive initiative is organized by 4 Day Week Global (with whom we are partnering for our pilot).
  • In September, the New York Times reported that for most companies, there is no loss in productivity, and in some cases, there is a significant improvement.

For Our Clients, Partners, Participants, and Certified Teacher Community

We are really excited to be partnering with you on this experiment. We also recognize that it may raise some concerns. Please know that we take such concerns seriously. We’ll work collaboratively with you in order to ensure that you continue to receive the highest quality support and products.

Our new standard business hours will be Monday to Thursday (although we will continue to offer programs on other days).

We have developed this pilot very carefully, and appreciate your support and flexibility as we begin our journey to pilot new ways to humanize work. Thank you for your partnership!



4-day Work Week