Learn How to Teach Emotional Intelligence: SIY Teacher Training starts in September! 

eBook: Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness at Work

Human-centered skills such as emotional intelligence and mindfulness are no longer optional; quite the opposite, they’re essential to future-proof organizations. And the future of work is already here.

In a time of unprecedented levels of stress, overwhelm, increased competition, and ongoing demands, only the teams that have the tools and skills needed to meet the challenges of today's working environments will be able to survive and thrive.

In this eBook you will find the latest research conducted by SIY Global and experts around the impact of emotional intelligence and mindfulness on four key organizational trends:

1. Why current levels of stress and burnout are costly and unsustainable.
2. How connection and belonging in a (more) disconnected world are essential for team performance.
3. The emerging demands for human-centered leadership.
4. The need for resilience and agility to innovate and adapt.

Over a decade of experience training thousands of people in all corners of the world has allowed SIY Global to validate that human-centered skills can be cultivated and to demonstrate the power of emotional intelligence based on mindfulness to transform individuals, teams, and organizations.

Fill out the form below to download the eBook: