Learn How to Teach Emotional Intelligence: SIY Teacher Training starts in September! 

eBook: Build an AI-powered, People-centric Workplace

a guide to strategically transitioning your workforce

You'll learn:

  • How AI is projected to change global business activities and why the future is not about just technology, but also the people behind it.
  • How to take advantage of the combined use of AI technology and human-centric skills like empathy and creativity. You'll dive into success stories from giants like Bank of America and IKEA.
  • As human interactions become rare but even more important, there's a pressing need for fostering psychological safety at work. Learn to nurture teams that are innovative, empathetic, and ready to meet customer needs head-on.
  • In this new age, diverse thinking is not just nice-to-have; it's essential. Learn why diversity (especially neurodiversity) can be an asset to innovation and how to manage diverse teams effectively. 
  • In a world where AI will become ubiquitous, emotional intelligence is a competitive advantage for businesses. Learn to use science-based principles to enhance human interactions, drive unbiased decisions, and foster a culture of trust and resilience.
  • Trust in leaders is at an all-time low, a challenge amplified by AI. Discover strategies for leaders to rebuild trust, address fears, and paint a brighter future alongside AI.
  • Prepare your workforce for the AI evolution. Explore agile learning methods, integrate AI into training, and measure the outcomes.
  • Get ready-to-implement templates, plans, and other resources to take actionable steps toward a successful business transformation.

Ready to build a culture of emotional intelligence for an AI-powered future?