Learn How to Teach Emotional Intelligence: SIY Teacher Training starts in September! 

bridging conflict

Refine your approach to conflict to unlock the collaborative and innovative capabilities of your teams.

Two coworkers talking

Unskillful conflict management in teamwork can erode trust and collaboration, impacting innovation and performance, and many current frameworks only focus on resolving disputes yet miss the opportunity to harness conflict to strengthen trust and team cohesion.

Bridging Conflict will help your team to get in touch with their unique approach to conflict and learn to leverage diverse conflict management strategies that foster deeper connection, growth, and learning. This comprehensive course will guide participants in recognizing their personal conflict styles while equipping them with practical tools to manage emotions during high-stress moments, communicate empathetically, and employ strategies that turn conflict into opportunities for deeper understanding and stronger team connection. Gain hands-on experience for skillful conflict resolution through engaging,  interactive practices.

practical benefits for leaders

lightbulb line drawing

Understand how your conflict style impacts your decision-making and interactions

More effective relationship building

Learn researched-backed strategies for conflict resolution


Leverage mindfulness techniques to stay composed and effective in high-stress situations

practice makes progress

This course takes you beyond the usual conflict management advice, providing opportunities to practice with real-world business scenarios. You'll gain both the skills and the confidence to immediately apply these strategies in your workplace, without the need to disclose any sensitive information.

within conflict lies opportunity

Although conflict often feels negative, it can indicate a team's diversity of thought (crucial for innovation) and passion for their work. Managed with emotional intelligence, conflict can foster increased respect, empathy, trust, and spur innovation.

Conflict itself can be a beneficial tool that leads to uncovering learnings, new perspectives, and deepening in self-awareness. If conflict is mis-managed it can lead to silos, lack of trust, and feelings of not belonging, yet if conflict is managed with emotional intelligence, it has the potential to lead to deeper respect, empathy, greater trust, and innovation. 

program structure


Mid-level managers and above


3.5 hours

# of learners

30 maximum


In-person live

Virtual classroom

bring a program to your company

Fill out this form to get more details. A member of our team will be happy to contact you.