Learn How to Teach Emotional Intelligence: SIY Teacher Training starts in September! 





Learn to facilitate and scale crucial emotional intelligence skills trainings in large, enterprise organizations.

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Become a certified teacher in emotional intelligence to drive organizational success. Equip yourself with the skills needed to transform teams, boost productivity, and foster innovation.



Upcoming Teacher Training Dates

September - November 2024

I would highly recommend this program for personal growth and for inspiring a movement that could transform leadership and business performance.

- Teacher Training Participant

Why Train Emotional Intelligence?

In today's fast-paced work environment, the rate of change is accelerating like never before. To adapt quickly, collaborate effectively, and innovate expansively, you need emotional intelligence skills.

Developing emotional intelligence skills in organizations, like self-awareness, emotional regulation, empathy, and relationship-management will help teams:

  • cultivate psychological safety
  • build resilience and agility through change
  • increase engagement and improve performance
  • expand their innovation capabilities


Rich Fernandez, SIY Global CEO, instructing the SIY program

For over a decade, we've helped transform organizational cultures with our unique blend of neuroscience, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness.

Why Neuroscience? Neuroscience helps us understand how the brain processes emotions, enabling us to develop strategies for better self-awareness, empathy, and emotional regulation. By leveraging neuroscience, we maximize the efficacy of our training programs to foster practical and immediately applicable emotional intelligence skills.

Emotional Intelligence skills are no longer optional. Rather, they are critical for organizations seeking the competitive advantage needed to build a thriving organizational culture despite the changing demands of our world.


About Search Inside Yourself

Originally developed at Google, Search Inside Yourself (SIY) is an emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and leadership curriculum based on neuroscience. 

SIY has been taught in hundreds of organizations around the world, helping to improve skills such as stress management, resilience, empathy, effective leadership and more. Learn about Search Inside Yourself and the results the program has had on thousands of participants.

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Out of 10,000 SIY participants surveyed worldwide, 93% of participants would recommend the Search Inside Yourself program.

What is the SIY Teacher Training like?

The Search Inside Yourself (SIY) Teacher Training is a multi-month program that trains professionals who work with or within enterprise organizations to become certified to teach the renowned Search Inside Yourself program and other SIY Global programs.

You'll join live online sessions with a group of emotional intelligence and mindfulness champions from around the world.


TT program guide image

Download our detailed program guide to learn more about:

  • Key dates
  • Curriculum details
  • Tuition and fees
  • Eligibility and pre-requisites 
  • Benefits for participants and their organizations
  • Expected outcomes

Who is this program for?

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Employees of large organizations who are interested in scaling Search Inside Yourself programming within their companies.








Experienced consultants working with large organizations who would like to offer Search Inside Yourself as a tool to meet their client's business needs.

Key Benefits for In-Company Participants


For Business Leaders + Organizations

Drive Employee Engagement

Drive Employee Engagement

Our programs build connection, empathy, and psychological safety, empowering employees to grow their leadership skills and apply their knowledge to company challenges. Training your own teachers to teach SIY Global programs leads to more direct application of the concepts to your business challenges.

Scale power skills in your company

Scale Emotional Intelligence Sustainably

Emotional intelligence skills like resilience, collaboration, and self-awareness are critical for agility, innovation, and productivity; rely on our unique program structure to sustainably transform company culture and train internal teachers for cost-effective scalability.




For Employee Teachers

Build Your Leadership Skills

Build Your Leadership Skills

Take on a leadership role by training colleagues in mindfulness-based emotional intelligence, growing your ability to present compellingly, facilitate productive sessions, and be regarded as an expert in applying emotional intelligence strategies to key business challenges.

Deepen your sense of purpose

Deepen Your Sense of Purpose and Community

Enhance your job skills and sense of fulfillment by actively participating in your company's cultural transformation and joining a global community of professionals bringing emotional intelligence to their workplaces with access to ongoing support, program updates, and collaborative relationships.


Key Benefits for Independent Consultants

Business development support

Business Development Support

You'll receive support for selling SIY Global programs, including impact reports, marketing resources, and upskilling courses. 

Access to product releases and updates

Ongoing Product Releases and Updates

With your certification, you can sell and deliver various programs like Search Inside Yourself and Effective Teaming, enjoy discounts on onboarding, and access the latest program materials with quarterly updates from SIY Global.

Technology to Scale Your Business

Unlock the full potential of your programs with HumanizedWork.com, our dynamic learning platform designed to streamline enrollment, scheduling, tracking, and reporting processes. 

Join our consultant network

Join Our Consultant Network

Share best practices with global teachers, seek support from top consultants, participate in upskilling events with beta product access, and gain opportunities to deliver programs sold by SIY and independent consultants.

Participating in the SIY program has been an incredibly enriching experience for me. The training has provided me with a steep learning curve in terms of both personal and professional development. It has helped me enhance my emotional intelligence, creating a sense of security and connection, both with myself and with others. I am truly grateful for the opportunity and the valuable insights gained.

Karin Beutlhauser, Certified SIY Teacher @ Allianz

Teacher Training Dates

Registration Deadline: August 31, 2024

  • Pre-Work: August 19
    • The learning platform first opens for independent study and pre-work.

  • Session 1: September 9-11, 2024
    • Timing: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm EDT each day.
    • Three days of live, virtual programming.

  • Learning Period: September 11 - November 12, 2024
    • Eight weeks of independent study through the learning platform.
    • Bi-monthly small group, 2-hour "pod meetings" to practice teaching the content and receive supportive feedback from an experienced mentor.

  • Session 2: November 12-14, 2024
    • Timing: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm EST each day.
    • Three days of live, virtual programming.

Note that full attendance at both live sessions is required for certification.

Can't make these dates but interested in attending in the future? Fill out the information form, and we'll keep you posted on upcoming dates. 

Are you interested in learning more about our 2024 Teacher Training program?

Fill out the form below to receive additional information and updates via email.


OTT Pricing

Please note: You must either pay in full or initiated the payment plan before the training begins. 

Payment Plans

We are committed to making our programming as accessible as possible. To that end, we offer several payment plan options. 

Klarna: Easily access financing options through Klarna in select countries.

Monthly payment plans: We're happy to work with you to establish a monthly payment plan with no interest. Contact us at info@siyglobal.com for more information. 

Watch the Info Session

Hear from Clients

We're here to help! Send any questions you may have to info@siyglobal.com.

Additional impact resources:

Review the resources below to share with your manager, teams, or clients.