Learn How to Teach Emotional Intelligence: SIY Teacher Training starts in September! 

Shifting from Toxic to Thriving

We hope you enjoyed SIY Global's Webinar: Shifting From Toxic to Thriving

Below are some resources that we think will be helpful as you begin applying what you've learned.

If you have any questions or want to talk with us more about how we can support you and your organization, connect with us.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Workplace culture is essential for the health of an organization and toxic workplaces have a high cost.
  2. A company might overall be somewhat healthy but have some pervasive cultural traits or pockets of the organization that have toxic traits.
  3. Toxic traits can be extreme or they can be mild.
  4. The five toxic elements are: Disrespectful, non-inclusive, unethical, cutthroat, and abusive. 
  5. The four elements for thriving are: respectful, inclusive, psychological safety, and integrity. 

Learn More and Stay Connected

We'd love to stay connected with you as you continue your journey of creating thriving workplaces! Learn how you can bring an SIY Global program to your organization or join our mailing list to stay up to date and receive new resources and invitations.