28-Day Challenge Week 1: Easing In

Congratulations on completing SIY and welcome to Week 1 of the 28-Day Challenge! Making time to integrate and practice what you learned is a key piece to developing mindfulness and emotional intelligence. To support this, we are recommending daily practices that will help you put what you learned into action.

Below are the practices for each day, plus some reflection questions to consider afterwards.  

But first ... start with the video below to learn more about the theme for this week: Easing In!

Week 1 - Day 1

Dedicated Practice: One Complete Cycle of Breath

Integrated Practice: Complete a ‘One Complete Cycle of Breath’ practice before a meeting or spending time with someone today.

Reflection Questions:
How does it feel to put your full attention on one breath? 
How does this practice impact your state of mind?

Week 1 - Day 2

Dedicated Practice: Three Mindful Breaths

Integrated Practice: Before eating your next meal today, complete another ‘Three Mindful Breaths’ practice.

Reflection Question:
What impact do you notice when you stop and take three mindful breaths?

Week 1 - Day 3

Dedicated Practice: 2 Minutes of Mindful Breathing

Integrated Practice: Write for 2 full minutes on each journaling prompt below. Once you’ve finished, take a minute to reread what you wrote and reflect.

Journaling Prompts: Practice using an open-awareness mindset as you respond to the following journaling  prompts:

  1. What I want from this 28-day challenge is… 
  2. Some obstacles to me practicing every day could be…

Week 1 - Day 4

Dedicated Practice: Open Awareness

Integrated Practice: Take a few minutes today to go for a walk with open awareness. While staying connected to your breath, see how many colors, shapes, sounds, smells and sensations you notice. If you can’t be outside, try walking around your home or office with an emphasis on seeing things in a new way. 

Reflection Questions: 
Was there anything that surprised you on your walk?
What impact might taking an open awareness approach have on your work?

Week 1 - Day 5

Dedicated Practice: Wishing Ourselves and Others Well

Integrated Practice: When you see the next person you will interact with today, take a moment to say in your mind, “I wish for you to be happy” as you greet them. Repeat this as many times as you remember to do so today.

Reflection Questions:
How did the practice of wishing others well impact your interactions? 
Did it shift your mood in any way? Did it impact the quality of your attention?

Week 1 - Day 6

Dedicated Practice: Body Scan

Integrated Practice: Try a 3 Centers practice today. Choose a time during your day to take three breaths, each breath to ‘scan’ one area of the body. 1st breath, scan the head, representing thoughts. 2nd breath, the gut, representing “gut feelings.” 3rd breath, the heart, representing values or intentions.

Reflection Question:
What information do you receive when checking in with your body?

Week 1 - Day 7

Dedicated Practice: Gratitude

Integrated Practice: Write for 2 full minutes for each journaling prompt below.  Once you’ve finished, take a minute to reread what you wrote and reflect.

Journaling Prompts:

  1. What I noticed from this week’s practice was…
  2. Things that will help me stay focused on my practice next week are…

Buddy Reminder:


If you have a practice partner or "buddy," now is a great time to check-in this week if you haven't already!