Learn How to Teach Emotional Intelligence: SIY Teacher Training starts in September! 

28-Day Challenge Week 5:

Congratulations, you've completed the 28-Day Challenge!!!

We sincerely hope you've enjoyed the process and are looking forward to continuing to practice and apply what you've been learning.

We've created this little celebratory video for you with some information and tips about what's next.  Enjoy!


To continue your individual practice, we invite you to continue using any of the guided meditations and integrated practices from the 28-Day Challenge:

Return to Week 1 Practices  

Return to Week 2 Practices 

Return to Week 3 Practices

Return to Week 4 Practices

If you want to extend your learning journey by sharing practices with others, please check out these additional toolkit resources:

Mindful Meetings

How to Lead a Mindfulness Practice Group

SIY Book Club

Suggested Meditations & Prompts for Group Practice Sessions